Creativescopes for March 2023

Creativescopes for March 2023 are here! These horoscopes are crafted and designed to help you tap into your creative cycles this season. Astrology is a language for understanding the human experience, so take what resonates for you and leave the rest. You can read these messages for both your sun and rising signs. You can now receive personalized Creativescopes on my Patreon here (a limited amount are available), or inquire about a Birth Chart reading at 

Pisces and Pisces Rising

Pisces, a true water sign, sometimes you’re flow over function, however, this month, you’re being met with the scaffolding and structure you might have been waiting for. This is the time to make the plan for the dream, and then get organized. If your higher calling is coming in from the depths, hold your breath and go for a swim. The sun is holding you in the spotlight, and golden hour is a time of liminal magic. Don’t be afraid of change, aging is alchemy, and the next iteration of you is all that you already are (plus some!). 

Aries and Aries Rising 

Aries, I’m guessing that no one ever warned you, “if you can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen.” You are the sacred fire yourself. The heat is on this month, but you already know that your inner wisdom was forged in flame. There is a great gift in being unapologetically you, in romancing the fire within, in stoking the struggle to interrogate what burns in the tension. Make the unconscious, conscious, and your intention will crackle like a hearth at the end of winter, despite, despite. 

Taurus and Taurus Rising 

Taurus, I have some questions for you this month. If you could do anything, what would you do and why? The way in which you show up in the world, partner with others, and make your plans is all being called into question. How do you relate what you might call “the collective”? What is your higher calling? Where is your community? And what act of service or value can you bring to them? Your presence and attention is such a great gift, you sacred bull. It’s time to crystalize your vision, and then show up to the space with your most vulnerable and authentic self. Keep going. 

Gemini and Gemini Rising 

Gemini, you may still be feeling a bit of tension in your identity, but as I’ve said before, this is nothing new for you. If you’re feeling like you don’t know what to do, turn to your community for help. There is no shame in asking someone for guidance. In fact, there is actually a great celebration. How beautiful to be with others, whether this is in a digital or remote sense, or within physical proximity. Let the sun shine this month on what you might deem as “the other.” For the opposite of you is a wonderful teacher, and in turn, you might be able to offer support of your own. 

Cancer and Cancer Rising 

Cancer, you might be called to make business moves this month. How you partner with others, create structures, and see the wiring of things may feel natural to you, and yet, others may need your help. There is a soft glow in the first days of the month that can help you reconnect with your intuition and the tender side of you to give you the energy to carry this project forth. From the waters of this nourishing archetype under which you life, the phases of this next dream are coming. 

Leo and Leo Rising 

Leo, this is a moment of rebirth for you. And while your light in all its glory and newness is ready to shine, make sure to take a moment to honor and grieve that which has passed. All of your past selves have brought you here. And so, step into this next phase in your proudest embodiment of the lion. Assured, tender, toothed, and soft-footed. Share your story. 

Virgo and Virgo Rising 

Virgo, what’s happening in your creative collaborations this month? There may be a new shape or structure given to your projects floating out there in the dreamy oceans of future work. Dream in community, create in togetherness, but beyond dreaming, begin to make plans. All good schemes have a to-do list, bring your wise perception to these talks and see what blooms this spring. 

Libra and Libra Rising 

Divine romance is no stranger to you, but this month the way that you approach this aspect of your life is under some change. Both embracing the underworld, and the sacred blooms of spring, acknowledge the beauty of cycles, attend to your rituals, and kneel in the dirt. 

Scorpio and Scorpio Rising 

Dearest Scorpion, you and Pluto are friends for a reason. Write a letter to the underworld this month. Allow yourself to descend through the threshold and examine the roots. What has made you, you? What darkness has allowed the candle to create shadows? Into the caverns you go. Here, carry this sacred flame, and tell what you see. 

Sagittarius and Sagittarius Rising 

Clever Sagittarius, the way that you communicate might be changing. I hope you step into your power, bow strung across your back, as you rise to the occasion. You might be ready to share an old story, you might feel the tug to tell a romantic tale, you might feel the longing to ritualize everything. Follow your magic, oh sacred hunter, it hasn’t failed you yet. 

Capricorn and Capricorn Rising

Capricorn, it’s time to reevaluate your resources. What’s going on with your relationship to your self-worth, your confidence, and your work? Maybe spend some time journaling or considering how this impacts your work? It’s a good month for writing for you, especially a structured writing practice. You’re steadfast. So, step lightly, and make good work of these transits this month. 

Aquarius and Aquarius Rising

This month, water-bearer, you might find yourself stepping into the next phase of your creative expression. Your identity is about to go through a transformation. My only advice is to continue to show up in that innovative way, that makes you, you. It’s a great month to craft poems, to tell your friends you love them, and to see new ways to communicate, and structure your time and resources. Life is a divine art project.