Creativescopes for October 2022

Creativescopes for October 2022 are here! These horoscopes are crafted and designed to help you tap into your creative cycles during this season. Astrology is a language for understanding the human experience, and so take what resonates for you and leave the rest. You can read these messages for both your sun and rising signs.

Libra and Libra Rising 

For you, this month is all about feeling well resourced. A time of potential harmony, Libra you may feel divinely helpful this month. With sweet romance and harmonious interactions, this is your reminder that while sweetness is a delight you can also enjoy the difficult conversations. This is potent soil for discussion. Creatively speaking, maybe there is someone who would like to hire you for your talents. Emotionally speaking, it’s time to share your true feelings. As far as alchemy goes, how can you transform your very roots to give you wings during October? The challenge this month will be in the routine. Make a list of your projects that fill your cup, and dedicate yourself there. 

Scorpio and Scorpio Rising 

Tender scorpion, how do you communicate with your friends? This month you’re being asked to relate to the collective in new ways. Though being perceived is not your favorite, reestablishing community and reaching out to those who love you can hold great gifts. Creatively speaking, the sun is shining on the realm of the unseen for you. How can you romance your unconscious? What expeditations are asking for your attention? It’s time to go deep sea diving, the wreck, the ancient, the merpeople are calling. And with the added Venusian energy, what would you like to say about love? How you communicate is changing all the time, but as a Pluto and Mars ruled sign, you wouldn’t have it any other way. 

Sagittarius and Sagittarius Rising 

Archer, this month is all about your emotions and how they’re tied up with your identity. How you feel, fiery, or otherwise, is calling to you to be shared. You know how to get free, and so tearing it all down to build it back up in a way that feel resourced is a lesson you can share with others. Creatively speaking, that which wounds you may be your greatest gift. How can you support others in ways that you wish you would have been supported? If you have to have a difficult conversation with a client or creative partner this month, remember to communicate clearly. 

Capricorn and Capricorn Rising 

Goat, this month you are remaking your identity. With lessons in finance front and center, you are being asked to reimagine what your commitments look like to yourself and others. Give yourself the permission to be a bit more eccentric than usual. Get passionate about telling others how much you love them, allow yourself to face your inner demons and invite them to tea. Creatively, this is a time to feel where the fire lives in the body, and stoke that flame. 

Aquarius and Aquarius Rising 

Water bearer, if what you’re carrying is too heavy, this is the permission to set it down. If there are things you’ve been longing to share, now is the time. The way that you relate to your dream-states is coming front and center for you. It’s time to communicate in your partnerships what you need to feel supported. The rebel of the zodiac, you usually like to go it alone, but during October, consider the collective, and allow yourself to fit in. Folks love you and want to celebrate you. 

Pisces and Pisces Rising 

Pisces, where are your wounds around feeling supported? Give them a bit of extra love this month. What is your relationship with your history? Your past is showing up in ways that may feel like a dream. Embrace the surreal, here, you water-ruled fish. Creatively, you may feel called at the beginning of the month to find new ways to emotionally connect with your higher calling. Tears are good medicine. 

Aries and Aries Rising 

Ram, who you are is gift enough. This month when you walk into the room, allow yourself to be celebrated. Your clients feel well supported, there is harmony in your practice, and you’re actively working on bringing beauty to other people’s lives. This month, you may be uncovering where you fit in. Do the work of this. If there’s something that you’ve been keeping a secret from yourself, it may be time to have a team meeting. Not everything is what it seems, and thank god, goddess, god(etc.) that this is the truth. 

Taurus and Taurus Rising 

Bull, it’s time to get honest about what is causing the friction. Having a difficult conversation may make you feel better, even if you’re dreading it at first. This month is a good time to share your creative projects. Make a plan about what you’d like to get done and then make the execution of the plan itself a work of art. There’s the old saying that the slow and steady win the race, and to be honest, this is a good lesson about showing up a little each day. Look back and see how far you’ve come. 

Gemini and Gemini Rising 

This month you may be having a little bit of an identity crisis, but never fear, the winds of change are here. Autumn has that feeling to it, doesn’t it Gemini? You may feel the spotlight on your creative self this way, but not in a harsh way, it’s the ultimate kind of mood lighting. Where is the romance in your creative practice? Seek it out. Make it an offering. Commit yourself. 

Cancer and Cancer Rising

Cancer, it’s time to speak up. If you have something to say, if you bury it, it will only come out later. Speaking of burying, what’s your current relationship to your ancestors? This month it’s time to listen to the bones, to craft the altar, and to remember. This also may be a nod to creative lineage. Who’s shoulders do you stand on? Remember that “thank you” is a spell. 

Leo and Leo Rising 

Leo, when is the last time you wrote a love poem to yourself? This month is asking you to revolutionize your daily routines, to bring fire back into your emotion. Burning is your natural state. It’s good to keep tinder on hand to keep the sacred flame alight. This month, think about some ways that you can bring strangeness into your conversations with others. Sometimes (usually), the more eccentric the better. 

Virgo and Virgo Rising 

Virgo, how do you share yourself? In a society where some speak too frequently about themselves, and some fear to take the credit, where is the balance for you this month? There may be friction around your higher calling and daily routines, but there are great gifts to be found in aligned partnerships that set your heart on fire. This month, remember that “we” is a powerful word. Dedicate yourself to conversations and work around justice, and give credit where credit is due (and yes, that’s for yourself).